
1.5K ohm, 1/4 Watt [1.5K 0.25W] (Pack of 5)

Original price was: ₹3.00.Current price is: ₹2.00.


  • Value: 1.5 kΩ
  • Tolerance: 5%
  • Power Rating(W) : 1/4 Watt
  • Mounting Type: Through-hole(PTH)
  • Type: Carbon Film(CFR)


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Quarter Watt (1/4W) resistors are the most used type of resistors that are used in simple electronic projects and DIY hobbyist projects. They come with long pliable leads which you can use to either plug in the breadboard holes or can be easily soldered by hand on the perfoboard when you ae prototyping for the final circuit. 1.5KΩ0.25W resistors are mostly used when you are connecting an LED to the 5V power supply from your 5V development board like Arduino UnoMega or NodeMCU ESP8266 as it limits the current flowing through the LED so that it does not burn out and simultaneously limiting the current flowing through it. Resistors are usually used for limiting the current, matching the impedance in circuit, determining gain in the amplifier systems and sometimes voltage division and voltage and current measurement too. Long leads allow them to be used without the need of connecting external jumper wires in breadboard or Perfboard thereby reducing the time taken in prototyping and testing. It does not have any polarity hence it can be used in any orientation.  These resistors are usually more useful in breadboarding, prototyping. The long leads usually require trimming if needed. This resistor is a through-hole or PTH(plated through-hole) resistors.

Additional information

Weight 10 g
Dimensions 10 × 10 × 10 cm


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